College & Career Readiness

A primary focus of our College and Career Readiness programming is the TRiO Talent Search Program, providing first generation and/or low-income student with academic support, college readiness information, tools and resources to successfully graduate high school and enroll into post-secondary education. We offer college and career exploration, online tutoring, cultural enrichment activities, monthly workshops (TRiO Meetups), participate in summer camp programming, college tours, assistance in the financial aid/college enrollment process, and other services.
Program Eligibility
First generation student
Meet income eligibility guidelines
Current middle school (6th-8th grade) or high school (9th-12th grade) student
Be at least 11 years of age
US Citizen or Permanent Resident of the US
TRIO program applications are accepted year-round, online application must be completed to be considered. Upon completion of the application, student and parent will be notified of acceptance into the program by their assigned TRiO advisor.
Target Schools*: Academies at South Mountain, North High School, Central High School, Franklin High School, Silvestre Herrera Elementary, Western Valley Middle School.
* We do accept applications based on eligibility from non-target schools on a limited basis.
Vicki Romero Foundation (VRF) Scholarship
The Vicki Romero Foundation Scholarship was established to award tuition scholarships to deserving TRiO students attending a Maricopa Community College. Selected applicants are required to complete an in person interview with the scholarship committee. The next deadline to apply will be in 2025.
Eligibility Requirements
Participant of the Friendly House TRIO Talent Search Program
US Citizen or Permanent Resident of the US
High School Senior
Admitted to a Maricopa Community College and enrolled full time (12 credit hours per semester)
3.00 GPA or higher

The TRIO Talent Search program impacted 204 students in 2022. In June and July, a total of 44 middle and high school students attended TRiO summer camps, experiencing field trips and tours that included AZ Museum of Natural History, OdySea Aquarium, ASU Campus and UA Simulation Center.
Student Spotlights
Former TRIO participant Elijah Cota who graduated number one in his class from South Pointe High school was accepted and currently attending Dartmouth College studying Mathematics. Elijah was a part of the TRIO program for 2 years.
Jennifer Robles, former TRIO participant graduated from Franklin Police and Fire High School in 2020. Currently attending Gateway Community College studying Medical Sonography. She is a 2020 Vicki Romero Foundation Scholar.
“This scholarship will help me so much and as well my parents. I thought I would be working nonstop to pay my tuition but thanks to the scholarship I will be able to focus more on school instead of working long hours. Thank you to the positive people that kept me on the right path. So thankful I was in the friendly house program!” –Jennifer Robles
Wendy Gomez, former TRIO participant graduated from North High School in 2020. Currently attending Gateway Community college studying General Business. She is a 2020 Vicki Romero Foundation Scholar.
“The benefits of this scholarship are my parents will no longer live in constant worry of me getting into debt, I will pursue my dream career, I will be encouraged to study and work harder than ever before, and it will give me the ability to continue my studies. This scholarship is a blessing and a gift. I will be forever grateful to each and every individual who has set me on this path. Thank you for everything but most importantly, thank you to everyone who believes in me. –Wendy Gomez
Diana Soto, former TRIO participant graduated from South Mountain High School in 2020. Currently is attending South Mountain Community College studying Nursing. She is a 2021 Vicki Romero Foundation Scholar.
“The Vicki Romero Foundation Scholarship will play a tremendous role in my journey to becoming accepted into a competitive program and graduate from it. With the Vicki Romero Foundation scholarship, I desire to stay true to my goal that is to become a Registered Nurse and to attend Arizona State University for a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. As a first-generation student that persevered against the odds to pave the path for future generations.” –Diana Soto
Michelle Martinez, former TRIO participant graduated from Franklin High School in 2020. Currently is attending Gateway Community College studying Radiologic Technology. She is a 2021 Vicki Romero Foundation Scholar.
“This scholarship will help me succeed in attending Gateway Community College because I’ll have less on my plate. . I promised myself I would do this not only for myself but for my family as well. I wanted to make them proud and most of all I wanted my Dad to be proud of me. My family won’t have to be worried about whether they’ll have enough money so I could achieve my goals. I’ve accomplished so much, and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for me. This hardship caused me to grow up fast but also pushed me to become the best version of myself.” –Michelle Martinez
Monica Ortiz, former TRIO participant graduated from North High School in 2019. She is a 2019 Vicki Romero Foundation Scholar. Received her AA from Phoenix College in 2021 and is now attending ASU studying Environmental Engineering.
Keyla Mondragon, former TRIO participant graduated from Tempe High School in 2019. She is a 2019 Vicki Romero Foundation Scholar. Received her AA from Phoenix College in 2020 and is now attending ASU.
TRIO TS Program Success Stories
Meet our Team

Vanessa Sandoval
College & Career Readiness Supervisor
(602) 416-7228
Schedule an academic advising appointment here:

Paulina Ramirez
TRiO Advisor
(602) 416-7250
Schedule an academic advising appointment here:
Luz Bermudez
TRIO Advisor
(602) 416-7254
Schedule an academic advising appointment here:

For Info/General Questions call: (602) 416-7228
Special Thanks
Partial funding for the Friendly House College & Career Readiness Program is provided by:
Arizona Community Foundation Summer Youth Program Fund
COX Charities
The RealReal Foundation
Their support allows us to provide additional workshops and trainings to parents and students and encourages more parental involvement in children’s education as well as college exposure activities.